Mr. Sangti Konyak is an exceptional headmaster at Langsa Hill School. With unwavering dedication, he has proven himself to be a sincere and highly responsible leader. His commitment to his role is evident in the many years he has devoted to serving the school. Students, parents, and staff alike greatly admire him for his hard work and professionalism. Under Mr. Sangti 's guidance, Langsa Hill School has flourished and maintained a reputation for excellence in education. His strong leadership skills have fostered a positive and nurturing environment for students to thrive in. Mr. Sangti 's tireless efforts and passion for education ensure that Langsa Hill School continues to be a place of academic success and personal growth.

Head Master

Shri.Sangti Konyak
woman in black sweater holding white and black vr goggles
woman in black sweater holding white and black vr goggles

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